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While benefits and service options vary by product, the American Freight Protection Plans all include coverage above and beyond the manufacturer’s warranty and help keep life running smoothly if the unexpected occurs. 

For Appliances and Home Goods, enter your phone number or email address associated with your contract in the “Find Your Contract” section on this page. Then, click on the drop-down menu on your Service Contract card and download your service contract.

For Furniture, click on the Furniture tab of the “Find Your Contract” section on this page to visit the Furniture Protection Plan portal. Then, enter your last name, zip code and phone number to find your protection plan and download your service contract.

Regardless of which product you purchased, you can also refer to the welcome email and/or letter that was sent to you after completing your purchase.


For Appliances and Home Goods, start by selecting your product category’s tab in the “Find Your Contract” section on this page and enter the phone number or email address associated with your contract. You’ll then be asked to enter a few details to get your product scheduled for service or to complete your claim.

For Furniture, simply click on the Furniture tab of the “Find Your Contract” section on this page to visit the Furniture Protection Plan portal. Then, sign in to find your protection plan and click “View Terms and Conditions” at the bottom right corner.


The American Freight Protection Plans don’t have any deductibles or hidden fees so you won’t have to pay a deductible for an approved claim.

For Appliances and Home Goods, enter your phone number or email address associated with your contract in the “Find Your Contract” section on this page. Then, click on “Reschedule Appointment” on your Service Contract card.

For Furniture, you can contact your assigned service provider directly. You can find the service provider’s phone number by clicking on the Furniture tab of the “Find Your Contract” section on this page and visiting the Furniture Protection Plan portal. Then, sign in to find your protection plan and service provider’s phone number. If you have any trouble reaching your service provider, please call 1-888-577-8246.


If you purchased your plan from an American Freight store prior to October 24, 2021, please contact the providers below:


For Appliance claims:

Agreement Benefits



For Furniture claims:

Guardian Protection Products



If you purchased your plan from an FFO Home store, please contact the appropriate provider below based on your purchase date:


For purchases between 12/27/2015 – 12/17/2016, file a service claim with Montage Furniture Services

For purchases between 12/18/2016 – 7/31/2018, file a service claim with Fortegra

For purchases between 8/1/2018-12/26/2020, file a service claim with GBS Enterprises


If you purchased your plan from a Furniture Liquidators store, please contact the appropriate provider below based on your purchase date:


For purchases between 12/27/2015-3/4/2018, file a service claim with Guardian Protection Products

For purchases between 3/5/2018-9/30/2018, file a service claim with GBS Enterprises

Didn't have any luck? Let's go ahead and find your service contract so that we can better assist you.

Find Your Protection
Plan Contract

To file a claim, request service or update an existing claim for your Appliance or Home Good, we’ll need to look up your protection plan contract.

How would you like to search for your contract?

To manage your Furniture service contract, request service or file a claim, click below to visit the Furniture Protection Plan portal.

Furniture Protection Plan Portal

Not sure how to get started or still have some questions?

Visit our FAQs page or chat with one of our agents.

Purchased your plan prior to October 24, 2021?

  • If you purchased a plan for an Appliance from an American Freight store prior to October 24, 2021, please contact Agreement Benefits by visiting or calling 1-888-755-3542.
  • If you purchased a plan for Furniture from an American Freight store prior to October 24, 2021, please contact Guardian Protection Products by visiting or calling 1-800-527-8485.
  • If you purchased a plan from FFO Home or Furniture Liquidators prior to December 27, 2020, visit our FAQs page to learn which provider you could contact to file a claim.